Union Representation Vote Results


By August 23, 2019

Dear Healthcare Members,

The union representation vote results are in, and I regret to announce OE897 was not voted the successor union in any of the four regions.  The results are as follows:

WRHA Community and Facility Support: CUPE

Shared Health Community and Facility Support: CUPE

Prairie Mountain Health Region Community and Facility Support: MGEU

Interlake-Eastern Health Region Community and Facility Support: MGEU


You can view the results in entirety at https://www.bill29commissioner.com/


You will still be represented by OE987 until the official changeover occurs; the date is still to be determined by the commissioner. You will be provided with more information as it is released to us. Finally, you will be under your current OE987 collective agreement until a new one is bargained by your successor union.

Despite the results, we as a union ran our campaign with integrity and honesty from start to finish, and of this we are extremely proud. I want to thank each and every one of you who volunteered with us and supported us during this campaign.


It has been an honour to represent you these past years, and I wish you all the best in your career going forward.


In solidarity,

Marc Lafond

Business Manager

Operating Engineers of Manitoba Local 987