OE987 Head Office New Location


By October 16, 2020

Dear Member,

Please be advised that effective immediately we will no longer accept member drop-ins at our 244 Cree Crescent office. However, will continue to be of service to you all. Whether its to pay your dues, or make an inquiry, please call our office 204-786-8658 or email local987@oe987.mb.ca . You can also reach out to your Business Representative directly.

For those who didn’t get a chance to attend the last General Membership meeting, I want to inform you all that effective November 1, 2020 we will move into a new office space as we recently sold our 244 Cree Crescent building.

Moving day is Friday, October 30, 2020 and the office will be closed to accommodate the move.

That said, I want to assure everyone that our financial situation is extremely strong, and we have many reserves in the bank in order to continue to defend our valued members. The fact remains we have gone through a lot of change the last few years, from losing a portion of our membership, and now were we are in the midst of a pandemic which is making all business (including ours) rethink what it means to provide services within the context of bricks and mortar. The reality is that the building is quite large for our current needs and we can certainly do more with less.

We are currently actively searching for a new building, one which is smaller, less operating costs, and still serves our needs. Until such time that we find our new home, we will be settling into a temporary location at: Suite 21 – 1313 Border Street, Winnipeg, MB R3H 0X4.

After moving day our regular office hours will resume Monday, November 2, 2020 at the location mentioned above.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

In Solidarity,

Marc Lafond
Business Manager