FAQ – What are Out of Work Dues?


By January 5, 2024

What are Out of Work Dues?

When you are working for an OE987 signatory employer or on a union project, the company will deduct working dues directly from your paycheque.  Doing so maintains your membership with OE987 which ensures that you receive the benefits of union representation and a strong collective agreement.

Out of Work dues – also known as ‘Minimum Monthly Dues’ – come into play when:

  • You are working outside of the jurisdiction of OE987, which is outside of Manitoba, on a Travel Card. In this circumstance, any working dues go to the IUOE union under which jurisdiction you are working and do not go to OE987. So, because of that, you must pay the minimum monthly dues to maintain your membership with OE987 in good standing, which enables you to go to other IUOE union jobs on a travel card.
  • You are not working (e.g., laid off, on leave). In this circumstance, you can pay ‘out of work’ dues to maintain your membership in good standing. Doing so – depending on your eligibility –    can maintain your access to your benefits, allow you to utilize the OE987 ‘Out of Work’ dispatch system, stay eligible for our death benefit, member anniversary awards, attend meetings and events, and have a voice and a vote.

Remember to please let the union hall know if there is a break in your employment so we can discuss options that would best suit your circumstances at 204-786-8658 or local987@oe987.mb.ca.
